Friday, June 05, 2009

How I can’t wait to meet their mother

Move over F.R.I.E.N.D.S., How I Met Your Mother is here! Okay, I didn’t just say that. I still believe that F.R.I.E.N.D.S is the best show ever; HIMYM is now a close 2nd in my book of “best ever shows”. For the 2nd time in my experience of television have I seen a show with such awesome chemistry that I’d want to be a part of the show and live their lives. And although it is show about 5 friends and how their lives unfold, it has been told so beautifully that you will just get hooked on to it. I ended up watching four seasons in a week, that 88 episodes for those who don’t know.
The show is about Ted Mosby, who telling his kids the story of how he met their mother. I’m not going to give an entire description of the show because there are enough sites and blogs that already do that. I’m so hooked to this show that I’m almost depressed that I’ll have to wait for a while to watch the 5th season. Ideally I’d like to watch the entire 5th season at once, but for that I’ll have wait for an entire year. Well I guess I’ll just have to deal with that. The best part about the show is that although its titled “how I met your mother” for five seasons they have not even shown who the “mother” is (or have they?), I just hope they don’t reveal that for a while because if they reveal it then the story will be over . I’m just hoping this show goes on for another five seasons and fast!


Leela Muthana said...
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kavita adhikari said...

Rohan... u have no idea how much i love Barney... he is "Awesome" ;)